The Sunday Times / Peters Fraser & Dunlop Young Writer of the Year Award 2015: A boo-hoo post

InvitationYou may have dim memories of this particular literary prize. It’s been in abeyance for several years but has just been relaunched with an announcement of the shortlist for this year’s award. Contenders must be writers of literary fiction, non-fiction or poetry, aged thirty-five and under. Past performance suggests that previous judges have had a good eye for spotting talent – winners have included Zadie Smith, Naomi Alderman, Robert MacFarlane and Sarah Waters. Quite a starry list, these days. I’ve only read one of the novels on this year’s shortlist – Sara Taylor’s The Shore – but if that’s anything to go by the standard is just as high as ever.

Why the boo-hoo, you might ask, given that I seem pretty enthusiastic about it? Well you could call it sour grapes. I was delighted to be invited to a bloggers’ event celebrating the relaunch, and even more so when I found that not only was it in the afternoon – I live quite some way from London – but the venue was the Groucho club. I’ve always fancied seeing what all the fuss is about, and who knows given that events come to a close by 5 pm there might even be cake, not to mention an interesting bunch of writers and bloggers to get to know. Sadly, the event is to be held next Saturday and thanks to a prior arrangement I can’t go. Anyway, enough of my boo-hooing. I hope any bloggers reading this who are able to go will have a lovely time. I’ll look forward to your posts.

13 thoughts on “The Sunday Times / Peters Fraser & Dunlop Young Writer of the Year Award 2015: A boo-hoo post”

    1. That would have been lovely – maybe another time. I loved The Shore and can heartily recommend that. Hoping the others are up to the same standard.

    1. I was lucky enough for an invite to drop into my inbox but I’m sure if you got in touch with them they’d be happy for you to go along, Rebecca, particularly as you’ve read more than I have from the shortlist. Loved The Shore.

  1. Ah, we could have met! I’m hoping to go along, though I’ve been/still am poorly and it will depend how I’m feeling on Saturday. Also, I’m always slightly wary of blogger only events: why treat us as separate to everyone else?

    1. I would have liked that. I hope you recover soon, Kim. I take your point about bloggers – still that old critic/blogger divide although several of the bloggers I read are critics’ equals and sometimes more thoughtful.

  2. I wanted to go but this latest chronic fatigue relapse has put paid to any hopes I might have had. I’ll join you in boo-hooing! Though I do hope you have a lovely time at your other engagement. I’m also hoping to read The Shore at some point soon-ish, whenever the paperback comes out (I expect).

    1. I’m so sorry to hear that, Victoria. I hope you’re able to rest and look after yourself – I’m sure Mr Litlove will do the latter. Perhaps one day we’ll manage to meet up. The Shore is a treat in store.

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