Ten More Small But Perfectly Formed Publishers Who Will Send Books to Your Home

Last week’s small publisher post attracted so many hits I thought I’d do another in the hope that Cover imagesome of that interest might have led to a few sales. This time I’ve included a few whose lists I like the look of but have not yet got around to exploring despite having my interest snagged by other bloggers’ reviews. Now’s my chance to put that right. At the time of writing, the ten publishers below are valiantly continuing to mail books to customers – some also sell ebooks. I’ve included links to them plus reviews, either on this blog or to recommendations from blogger pals.

Charco Press published one of my books of 2019. They’re run by translators, keen to bring Latin American literature to the English-speaking world. They sell both paper and ebooks.

My recommendation: The Wind That Lays Waste

Scribe  has one of those lists I’ve been meaning to explore properly for some time, ranging from contemporary fiction to interesting looking non-fiction. They’re currently running a promotion on parenting books with 50% off if you use the STAYATHOME discount code.

Rebecca at Bookish Beck‘s recommendations: The Animators, In Love with George Eliot and Heartland

Little Toller Books specialise in nature writing which might offer some solace now that we can’t get out much. I don’t read nearly enough non-fiction but books from Little Toller often catch my eye on Twitter.

Paul at Half Man Half Book‘s recomendations: Arboreal, Cornerstones

Gallic Books and Aardvark Bureau are one of my favourite publishers and would have Cover imageappeared on last week’s list but I was a little confused by the message on their website and thought they were no longer mailing out books. It turns out they are but through the publishing section of the site.

My recommendations: The President’s Hat, All Day at the Movies, Little

Vagabond Voices have what looks like a nicely varied list promising ‘literary novels, translated literature, poems and polemics penned at home and abroad’.

Annabel at Annabookbel‘s recommendation: 18

Lizzy at Lizzy’s Literary Life‘s recommendation: Stillness of the Sea

Fitzcarraldo Editions have a wide-ranging literary fiction list, both in translation and English-language, plus interesting non-fiction. You may recognise their distinctive cobalt blue jackets from those halcyon days of bookshop browsing

My recommendation: Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead

Galley Beggar Press publish literary fiction recognised by the judges of all manner of literary Cover imageawards including the Women’s Prize for Fiction, The Wellcome Book Prize, The Goldsmiths Prize and The Desmond Elliott Prize. Last year, Lucy Ellman’s doorstopper, Ducks, Newburyport, bagged them a place on the Booker Prize shortlist

Eric at Lonesome Reader‘s recommendations: Ducks, Newburyport, A Girl is a Half-formed Thing, The Weightless World

Seren Books are a Welsh publisher whose list includes fiction, poetry and non-fiction. They’re currently offering a 20% discount if you join their book club.

My recommendation: Significance

Honno Press call themselves the Welsh Women’s Press which does what it says on the tin, to quote an ancient advertising strapline

Karen at Booker Talk‘s recommendations: White Camellia, Ghostbird

Handheld Press are based a couple of stones’ throw away from me. They publish what they Cover imagecall ‘forgotten fiction’ as well as some contemporary novels and non-fiction, and tell me they’re using their permitted one bout of exercise to bike orders to the local Post Office which will be including one from me, shortly.

Ali at Heavenali’s recommendations: Blitz Writing, The Caravaners

Jacqui at Jacqui Wine’s Journals recommendation:  Business as Usual

I hope you find something there that takes your fancy, and remember many independent bookshops are happy to mail out books to you. There was a short wobble in supply thanks to wholesalers being hit by coronavirus-related problems but that seems to have been steadied for now.

26 thoughts on “Ten More Small But Perfectly Formed Publishers Who Will Send Books to Your Home”

  1. Such a brilliant celebration of these wonderful small publishers. I am drawn to their work more and more. Little Toller Books and Handheld Press are particular favourites.

    1. Thanks, Liz, and me too! I love the look of HandHeld Press’ books. Kate, who runs it, has emailed me to say she’s going to put my order through my letterbox. I hope next time I’ll be able to invite her in for a coffee.

      1. oh won’t that be wonderful – a lovely way to celebrate coming through this difficult period. And you are so right about the books. I love their look and feel – it really adds to the reading experience!

  2. I am planning on ordering Business as Usual from Handheld Press. But really missing browsing in a bookshop! Hope you are both ok.

    1. I knoiw what you mean, Rachel! I’ve ordered Business as Usual plus Blitz Writing and have been told they’ll be biked over to me today. We’re fine, thanks, just relieved to be able to get out once a day. Hope you two are also well.

  3. I love how you’ve made a recommendation from each one, to give us a flavour of their collection, so many great reads right here, thank you!

    I love seeing what Honno Press publish and how supportive they are of their authors, I have read a couple of Juliet Greenwood’s books which evoke such a sense of place, (Wales and Cornwall) as well as well-formed, interesting characters, I can highly recommend Eden’s Garden
    and We That Are Left, I must read the one you mention here White Camellia, it sounds excellent too.

  4. Wonderful post, these small publishers are so important. Between them they give us such a variety of fantastic books. I recently read my first two Fitzcarraldo and as you point out I have already read several Handheld press books. Honno are fabulous too. Some of the others I know less well but I will look out for them.

    1. Thank you! Indies publish such interesting books, don’t they. I was delighted to get my beautifully wrapped Handheld order delivered by Kate today. I hope we can meet properly next time.

  5. These publishers are doing a fabulous job in very difficult circumstances. I’m trying desperately hard to keep my TBR from exploding but I also want to support these publishers and the indie bookshops. Solved my dilemma by the simple expediency of buying for other people. My parents are now getting a regular supply of books to help in their social isolation, ditto any friend in a similar situation or who has a birthday soon…

  6. Great post Susan! I am a fan of Charco Press, they really do publish some interesting books and have also read a couple of books from both Fitzcarraldo and Galley Beggar Press. The others are new to me, so there’s lots to explore!

  7. Lovely. This is such a great idea to highlight small presses in this way. And thanks for the link to my Business as Usual piece – very kind. I’ve seen loads of recommendations for Charco’s books across the blogosphere, so their list seems a particularly good bet.

    1. You’re welcome, Jacqui. I’m delighted to say I now have a copy of Business as Usual. Looking forward to it. Yes, Charco has a particularly interesting louking list.

  8. Pingback: Business as Usual by Jane Oliver & Ann Stafford: A perfect comfort read | A life in books

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