Sandstone Press

Cover image for The Tyranny of Lost Things by Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett

The Tyranny of Lost Things by Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett: Communes and how to survive them

I was looking for a novel to get stuck into having just given up one I’d been eagerly anticipating but which proved to be disappointing. Set during the 2011 London heatwave, Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett’s debut, The Tyranny of Lost Things, neatly filled the gap. No one’s warned Harmony about the unearthly shrieks of the elderly

The Tyranny of Lost Things by Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett: Communes and how to survive them Read More »

Cover images

Wait for Me, Jack by Addison Jones: Marriage and how to survive it

Regular readers of this blog will know that I have a thing about books and their jackets. Without the right jacket, readers can be disappointed – promised something that wasn’t delivered through no fault of the author – and writers can be let down, not reaching as many readers as they should. This particular jacket,

Wait for Me, Jack by Addison Jones: Marriage and how to survive it Read More »