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Sedition by Katharine Grant: A rollicking tale of love, lust and subversion

It was the title that attracted me to Katharine Grant’s Sedition, just one word that promised a great deal particularly as the novel is set in 1794, just five years after the beginning of the French Revolution. In fact political sedition is not the main theme of this bawdy, rollicking tale, although there are hints

Sedition by Katharine Grant: A rollicking tale of love, lust and subversion Read More »

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The Engagements by J. Courtney Sullivan: A brightly polished gem

J. Courtney Sullivan writes the kind of long involving books into which you can comfortably sink, surfacing now and again for a cup of tea or whatever you fancy. I thoroughly enjoyed her previous novel, Maine; intelligently written and completely absorbing. The Engagements is structured around the idea of the engagement ring, a ‘tradition’ apparently

The Engagements by J. Courtney Sullivan: A brightly polished gem Read More »