Given my bah humbug attitude, readers are unlikely to have expected a Christmas read from me but I couldn’t resist a literary trip to the snow-covered German landscape with Urs Faes’ Twelve Nights, set not far from the Black Forest. Beginning just before Christmas, Faes’ brief novella tells the story of Manfred who’s returned home after forty years, hoping to make peace with his estranged younger brother.
Familiarity drifted towards him like an old melody, as though something that had been missing all these years had suddenly returned
Manfred walks through the snow to the inn which overlooks the family farm Sebastian has run for decades. It’s the first time he’s returned to the valley he roamed with his brother and beloved Minna as children, despite the deaths of both parents and of Minna herself. This is the time of the year his mother surrounded their home with talismans, burning herbs to protect them from the dark forces believed to make mischief between the feast of St Thomas and Epiphany, beliefs it seems some locals still hold if the curmudgeonly Lutz, who frequents the inn’s bar, is anything to go by. Eager for news of his brother but wary of making the first move, Manfred chats to the landlord learning that Sebastian is a virtual recluse, the only sign of life from the farm the smoke from his chimney. Manfred’s head fills with memories and questions as the twelve nights wear on and snow continues to fall.
He had loved this land, even though after so many years it had become just a memory, and the autumn days in particular, when the harvest drew near and the orchard fruits, Boskop and Jonagold apples, glistened, the vines on the hillsides full to bursting and the chestnuts’ branches heavy with burrs
At just over ninety pages, this pleasingly atmospheric read is more of a short story than a novella. Faes unfolds his tale of fraternal feud through Manfred’s memories, embroidered with colourful legend and full of my hoped-for descriptions of the German landscape punctuated with the occasional cosy inn scene. It’s an enjoyable tale, best read curled up by a fireside. Possible stocking filler material for anyone who likes a spot of forgiveness and redemption on the horizon, too.
This is likely to be my last review for 2020, a suitably wintery note to end on. The rest of the year will be all about looking backwards then forwards with books of my year starting on Monday followed by January’s bookish goodies to look out for leading up to Christmas.
Harvill Secker: London 9781787301962 96 pages Hardback (read via NetGalley)
So you’re wrapping up your reviewing, but not your reading I hope! I have so many chunksters left to read, not sure if I’ll get around to reviewing them.
Absolutely not! The old bookselling me hopes my books of the year posts might help a few readers needing Christmas present recommendations so I always post early. Good Luck with those chunksters.
Oh yay! I do love your books of the year!
Thank you, Cathy! Lovely to hear that. I hope you might do one yourself if you have the time.
I’ll be doing my Top Reads at the end of the month. I cheat a little and do 5 from the 746, 5 Irish and 5 new, so a Top 15 really 🙂
I’ll look forward to that. I’ve a feeling mine will be a top 25 or thereabouts…
That does sound like an atmospheric, characterful novella. Perfect for the season.
Looking forward to your books of the year, though I won’t be doing mine till the end of the month.
It’s a lovely way to pass an afternoon. Would have been perfect if it was snowing outside!
Thank you. I’ll look out for yours.
I love reading season-related books in the right season. I have requested this on NetGalley and will keep fingers crossed!
It’s right up your street then, Liz. i hope you enjoy it.
So glad to see that you enjoyed this as I have a copy to read (courtesy of the PRH indie support team). It sounds suitably atmospheric for the time of year, and hopefully short enough to read in one sitting.
Thanks, Jacqui, and I’m pleased to hear PRH have a support team for indies. This is a lovely read for a dark winter’s afternoon, and definitely stocking filler material!
I wasn’t able to do a books of the year last year, after a six month reading hiatis, but I shall look forward to doing one at the end of this month/year, although with so many more books read, it’s going to be a challenge.
Lovely review for you end the season on.
I’ll look forward to that, Claire. Yes, this was an unusually seasonal one for me. I’ve been missing my trip to the mountains this year. This was as close as I managed to get!
This is a nice note to end up for sure, despite all the bah-humbug-ish-ness. 🙂
Thank you. A decade as a bookseller killed Christmas for me, I’m afraid.
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