I was both delighted and flattered to be nominated by Anne at annethology for a Liebster Award alongside nine other bloggers, all of whose blogs look very interesting. The nomination acts like a chain letter introducing readers to blogs they might not otherwise find. As a past nominee it was Anne’s turn to put ten questions to the bloggers she’d put forward. Here they are together with my answers. I hope you enjoy them. I shall try to live up to Anne’s generous nomination and if you want to know who else has been nominated you can see them here on Anne’s blog.
- What has surprised you most about your blogging experience? How sociable it is – I’ve had some lovely exchanges about books both here and on Twitter with readers and fellow bloggers – and the generous support of other bloggers like yourself.
- To what extent do you blog for your own entertainment versus for the benefit and/or entertainment of your readers? It’s very much a continuation of what I’ve been doing for years in one way or another – recommending books to people – I’m not sure if it that counts as entertainment but I enjoy it very much so perhaps my answer should be 50-50.
- If your blog were to come to life, what form would it take? A very chatty bookseller with lots of time to talk to her customers
- How does your blogging voice differ from how you present yourself in “real life”? Very little. The blog sometimes has a slightly ironic edge rather like me but enthusiasm about books outweighs that I hope.
- Which words or phrases do you most overuse on your blog? I’m not conscious of this on the blog – although I’m sure I must do it – but in comments it would be ”I’ll add that one to my list”
- Which famous person would you most like to visit your blog, which of your posts would you most like them to read, and why? Jeff Bezos. I’d like him to read a post called Three Strikes and You’re Out about why I’m boycotting Amazon. I know it would be like water off a duck’s back but it would give me great satisfaction.
- If you could invite a fictional character to write one of your posts, who would you choose and why?
It would have to be a bookseller – preferably not Bernard Black from Black Books but I’m open to suggestions! - If time and money were no object, where in the world would you like to go to research your next post? I’d fly to San Francisco then travel on to Portland Oregon, then on to Telluride, Colorado before calling in at Denver. I have been to SF where I visited the renowned City Lights and to Telluride to the gorgeous little Between the Covers but I’d like to go back and write a piece about American independent bookshops which would include The Tattered Cover in Denver and Powells in Portland.
- As a consumer of blogs, what are the main factors that entice you to read on? Well written brevity – I’m not a fan of very long posts – and, of course, enthusiasm plus the promise of learning something new.
- What else do you wish I’d asked you and how would you respond? Perhaps if my blog has turned out the way I expected it to when I first started it almost a year ago to which I would have replied that I’d hoped to include more posts about other things I get up to – and there are a few – but there are just too many good books out there to share with people.
I hope you like my answers, Anne, and many thanks for the nomination. Much appreciated!
Now we are intrigued by number 10, I do hope you do find the time and inclination to indulge us. 🙂
Well, I’m off on my hols on Sunday and I’m sure I will be sharing some of that. Nothing to match your sheep shearing, though, Claire!
Well maybe if you think back as far as I had to for that one, you might just do that I am sure. 🙂 Congratulations on the award, well deserved!
Thank you!
Thanks so much for joining in, Susan. I’ve very much enjoyed your answers. Like Claire, I’m now intrigued by number 10. Also wondering how we get you funding to go on your American bookshop tour. Sounds sheer bliss.
Glad you like my answers, Anne, and thanks for making me think about them, not to mention the nomination. The tour is but a lovely dream, I fear, but we all need those.
Great answers, I love them all. I am glad that your blogging-you is very similar to your real-life you. I know we all create our identities and all that, but sometimes it is so hard to find people who read and love books as much as I do, that it just feels right to find someone online who does. And she is the very same way in real life!
That’s lovely! Thanks so much, Elena. It’s great to share a passion for books with people like you who feel the same way.
While it would be nice to know more about the rest of your life from your post please don’t stop writing about books. You have introduced me to more new authors than anyone else I read.
No danger of my not writing about books, Alex! Thanks so much for your feedback. Nothing nicer that hearing that that my recommendataions have been enjoyed.
Great answers Susan! I’m glad Anne pointed out your blog. I am a librarian so I can always use good book recommendations. I am subscribed now by email.
Thanks so much, AnnMarie, and delighted to have you as a subscriber.