I’ve ended several years with this meme prompted by a post from at least one blogger. This year it was Annabel’s version that first popped into my Reader followed swiftly by Cathy’s, Karen’s and Cathy’s. Here’s mine…
In high school I was In Love
People might be surprised by Weasels in the Attic
I will never be The Queen of Dirt Island
My fantasy job is Mudlarking
At the end of a long day I need Peace Talks
I hate being On Swift Horses
Wish I had Fewer Better Things
My family reunions are The Most Fun We Ever Had
At a party you’ll find me with Devils and Saints
I’ve never been to Bournville
A happy day includes Perfect Tunes
Motto I live by Common Decency
On my bucket list is Diving for Pearls
In my next life I want to have Shrines of Gaiety
That’s it for 2022. A very happy 2023 filled with excellent reading to you!
I love the idea of you pursuing a career as a mudlark! Although thinking about it that’s pretty much what we do – sifting through all the books published to find the hidden gems and discarding those that are mere literary detritus.
Brilliant analogy, Cathy! May there be many more hidden gems for us to enjoy next year.
I wonder what is do if there WERE weasels in my attic!
I managed to get my hands on a review copy of The Queen of Dirt Island via Edelweiss. Looking forward to reading it.
If you read the book, you’ll find out! It has some handy advice which I hope never to have to put into action. I hope you enjoy the Ryan
On Swift Horses – genius!
Not a keen rider!
Ha! I see we have Common Decency and Shrines of Gaiety in common! Great minds .. https://margaret21.com/2022/12/30/my-life-in-book-titles-2022/
Thanks for the link. See you in the afterlife where I’m sure we’ll be very decent to each other!
We have no choice now. Except … our afterlives might be in different places …
Everyone is so clever with this meme! Shrines of Gaiety sounds an excellent plan.
I’ll be sharing Shrines of Gaiety with Margaret from From Pyrenees to Pennines who plumped for the same afterlife!
I really enjoy these My Life in Books posts, but won’t have chance to do my own. I haven’t read any of yours, but my sister bought Bournville for me for Christmas.
They’re fun to write! I do hope you enjoy Bournville. Literally close to home for you, I know.
Thank you
Brilliant!!! And, I already had mine queued up for Sunday! So, stop by! Love this meme/tag/whateveritiscalled
Thank you, Lisa. I’ll look forward to reading yours!
Great answers! Haha, despite the Devils your party seems like the most peaceful one I’ve seen on these lists! 😉 Happy New Year! May 2023 be good to you and yours!
Cathy746 had the best answer to that one. Thank you, and to you!
I’m curious what Mr LifeinBooks made of your answer to “At the end of a long day ….” LOL
Ha! He might be a wee bit surprised.