The first part of March’s fiction preview began with three novels I’d already read whereas in this part there’s just the one: Claire Fuller’s Unsettled Ground. I’ve long been a fan of Fuller’s writing. Each of her novels – Our Endless Numbered Days, Swimming Lessons and Bitter Orange – is different from the others. This new one explores the darker side of rural life through the story of Julius and Jeanie Seeder, fifty-one-year-old twins still living with their mother in the old cottage they grew up in, almost entirely self sufficient until Dot dies and the outside world impinges. Unwelcome and shocking discoveries are made as the closely guarded lives they’ve led begin to unravel until a dramatic climax is reached. Another satisfying read from Fuller making four in six years which strikes me as a pretty impressive score. Review soon…
It’s been a very long time since I read anything by Alan Warner whose Morvern Caller I loved. Set just before Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister, his new novel, Kitchenly 434, sees two young fans turn up at an absent rock star’s Sussex mansion where the butler finds himself caught up in a misadventure. According to the blurb it’s ‘about delusional male behaviour, opening and closing curtains, self-awareness, loneliness and ‘getting it together in the country’, Kitchenly 434 is a magnificent novel about the Golden Age of Rock in the bucolic English countryside’. This one could either be hugely entertaining or a tad self-indulgent. We’ll see.
I was late to the party with Fiona Mozley’s Elmet, only getting around to it for my stint as a Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year shadow judge. It wasn’t my first choice, but I couldn’t help but be impressed by the confidence of Mozley’s writing. Set in gentrified Soho where a brothel is under threat from the building’s billionaire owner, Hot Stew sounds equally assured. Determined to keep their home, Precious and Tabitha launch a campaign against the steely Agatha. ‘Hot Stew is an insightful and ambitious novel about property, ownership, wealth and inheritance. It is about the place we occupy in society and the importance placed on class and money. It doesn’t shy away from asking difficult questions but does so with humour and intelligence’ say the publishers promisingly.
One of the many books I’ve still not got around to is Naomi Ishiguro’s short story collection Escape Routes but that hasn’t stopped me casting a covetous eye over her first novel, Common Ground, which explores the theme of male friendship. An unlikely comradeship begins between scholarship boy Sam and the savvier, older Charlie but when they meet at a London party, long after they’ve parted ways, it’s Sam who’s successful while Charlie is struggling. Very keen to read this one.
Maki Kashimada’s Touring the Land of the Dead sounds intriguing with its story of a woman married beneath her social station according to her mother and brother, both of whom seem unable to reconcile themselves to their own loss of status. When she and her husband visit a spa resort, once a luxury hotel, memories are triggered resulting in ‘a voyage into the netherworld – a journey to the doors of death and back to life’ according to the blurb. This edition includes Ninety-Nine Kisses, a story about four unmarried sisters modelled on Junichiro Tanizaki’s The Makioka Sisters which I remember enjoying more years ago than I care to remember.
Quite possibly saving the best until last with Robert Seethaler’s The Field for which my hopes are sky high having loved both A Whole Life and The Tobacconist. Seethaler builds a picture of a community through the voices of those buried in Paulstadt’s cemetery, each with a memory to recount, from the moment of their death to the story of their lives. ‘The Field is about what happens at the end. It is a book of human lives – each one different, yet connected to countless others – that ultimately shows how life, for all its fleetingness, still has meaning’ says the blurb. One of my most anticipated 2021 titles so far, I’ll be starting it today.
That’s it for March’s new fiction. A click on any of the titles will take you to a more detailed synopsis should you wish to know more and If you’d like to catch up with part one, it’s here. Paperbacks soon…
I am so eager for the new Seethaler as well…
I’m about to get stuck in!
I loved The Tobacconist too so look forward to your review of The Field.
Just about to start it. Have you read A Whole Life? If not, I can highly recommend that one, too.
Thanks. I’ll take a look at that too 🙂
Fuller and Ishiguro for me.
The Fuller’s superb and I have Common Ground queued up to read.
I’m reading the Fuller now, and I’d love to read the Ishiguro, Mozley, and Seethaler.
I started the Seethaler this morning which is living up to expectations so far. Hope you’re enjoying Unsettled Ground.
Ah yes, this has reminded me to ask for a proof of the Mozley! Sex work and capitalism are currently RIGHT up my street of academic interest.
It appeals to me more than Elmet. I hope you’ll review it if you get your hands on a copy.
Oh, definitely!
Although I’m not a blogger, Word Press gives me the pleasure of following blogs I enjoy. Swimming Lessons was one of the best novels I’ve read in the last few years, so naturally I’m hoping to read more Fuller novels! Unsettled Ground sounds unsettling and promising. Thanks and all good wishes. – Jenny
Thank you, Jenny, and to you. It is an unsettling book, blowing a hole in the rural idyll fantasy. That cover suits it well. I do hope you enjoy it as much as Swimming Lessons when you get to it.
A new Seethaler? Oh wonderful! I look forward to that one. It reminds me of the Irish novel The Dirty Dust where the dead chat and gossip from their graves! I’ve loved his other books.
Started it today and very much enjoying it, Cathy. Thanks for The Dirty Dust recommendation. Another to add to the list!
Both of the Japanese books sound good.
I’m intrigued by Touring the Land of the Dead
An interesting selection. I read Elmet too, and thought it was excellent. Hot Stew appeals less, but I think she is a really good writer. I also like the sound of Common Ground.
I was impressed by Elmet rather than enjoying it but she’s an excellent writer, for sure.
I will keep an eye out for your full review of Unsettled Ground by Claire Fuller. Much like you, I have enjoyed all of Claire Fuller’s previous books and so am anticipating this newest to be good for me also. Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome, Jade. I’ll be posting towards the end of March but I can tell you it’s excellent!
Looking forward to reading your thoughts on The Field. I hope it lives up to your expectations!
I got a little behind on Fuller’s books. They seem to be coming out so fast! Sometimes I wonder if writers actually have several novels written by the time they find a publisher for the first one…
I read most of The Field yesterday, Naomi, and loved it
She’s extraordinarily productive which can mean quality suffers but I’ve not noticed that so far.
I’m looking forward to Hot Stew 🙂
Me, too.
The Alan Warner one might be interesting. I enjoyed Morvern Callar – though after all this time I can’t remember anything about it!
Ha! Me, too, Kate. I’m left with an overall feeling of enjoying it but not being sure why. It was a long time Go.
The Field would be my favourite from this list, even though I am yet to read A Whole Life. I just know I will love his work when I get around to it
I’m sure you will, Karen. I finished The Field yesterday and loved it although A Whole Life remains my favourite.
Touring the Land of the Dead sounds interesting, as does the Ishiguro – that cover is particularly attractive! Uncommon Ground also seems very assured, but I do worry about dramatic climaxes – sometimes they can end up being a bit too much. (It’s a concern I have about some of Sarah Moss’ fiction, for example.) How do you think Claire Fuller handles the ending here? Does it work for you?
Doesn’t that Ishiguro cover look wonderfully spring like? What we’re all yearning for.
There is a dramatic revelation in the Fuller but it’s handled well and I was happy with the ending. I think fans will be pleased with her new novel.
Did you see/hear that Seethaler is going to be on the next episode of The World Book Club on BBC? Still one of my favourite book podcasts!
I hadn’t. Thanks so much for that. I’ll look out for it in the schedules